Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nice moments :)

Hi Friends! today i'm going to write about my favorite picture. To begin, I don't have exactly a favorite picture, I don't know nothing about a famous photographer and the photography it's not my favorite hobby. But the photographs in general, bring it to my mind the most important moments of my life. I chose this photograph, because I appear with my two best friends of the world, that I met in the school garden, when we have only 5 years old.

This photo it was took by a friend called Elo, when we where preparing ourselves to go to a party in "La Maestra Vida", a salsoteca that stays in the neighbourhood Bellavista. We always go there to dance "salsa", but this time we went there to a concert of "Santa Feria", a cumbia's group of a friends. We dance all night long, I remember this special night because two days later we started our travel to Bolivia. In that moment, we were near Pablo Neruda's House.

I love my friends, they called Natalia y Antonia, they are so important to me because I think that they are the only persons (apart from my family) that really knows me. I think that this kind of friendship is almost impossible to know... so I'm so happy to know this kind of love, a disinterested love and a pure love! I think that exist differents kinds of frienship, a school friend or a party friend, but the friends of the life (OF THE LIFE!)... it's a thing that nobody can take you easily. It's a thing that to construct with the life... with shared experiences, with unconditional love.

I trust 100% in my real friends, they are my two favorite people of the world!


  1. i really love the BRP's murals!
    there are so colorful, optimistic, and reflects the spirit of times where art and culture was really important in the chilean's life.

    i hope you and your friends could be together all life. i want it too to me and mine! ^^

  2. Ahhhhhhh ale you are the best person!!! I love so much. Your friends will be whit you forever. Also your friends from universality will be whit you.

  3. Hello Ale! The friends are very important in the life, they know things that nobody know. Is incredible that some pictures remember us many things.

    Good luck!

  4. Alele, I believe that is very important to have people that really know us, but I don´t have it. I always have a lot of friends, but it´s for stages of the life, and usually I never see them again, because I move my life center, and I leave them behind u.u
