Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Blog experience

Today, I'm going to write about my experience with this blog. Before this class, I had never used a Blog, some of my friends used blogs to comunicate their ideas or thoughts about life, but I never used this way to express my ideas. Well, when I discover the multiple benefits that a Blog can offer to us, I thought that this way of communication can be useful because it allows us to know better about all our classmates, and we can know the experience of another people in certain aspects of their lifes that can be interesting to us.
The Blog's time is the most funny in the class of english, we can talk with our classmates at the same time that we write the post, and we can laugh and be happy during that moment, because it's more relaxed than other minutes of the class. This blog allow me to share with other people and for that reason I like it very much
Last year, we didn't use the Blog so the classes were very boring and not very dynamic. But now, the classes are very dynamics and the Blog allow us to practice our english and every class we improve in our way of writing our experience, our thoughts about life.
I think that the Blog is a great experience, but I felt that I spent a lot of time so maybe some of the post could be written in our homes. Not all but some of them.
I liked that I could express myself freely in my Blog, I enjoyed sharing experience with my classmates, I met people from all our disciplines in the faculty. I think that the Blog is a great method for learning english.

And that is all I can say about the experience with this blog, I will never write here again, so I say goodbye :)

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