Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My english experience
At the first year of my career, I was in level two of my English class, this level was so easy to me, because I came from a bilingual school (well, the English was not my strong topic), and the English that teach in this level was so basic, like learn to see the time or learn some expressions related with travels or moments in your life (like meetings or comments about the weather, etc.). But, since I pass to level three, my life changed. We started to write in a blog, and this was so useful to practice and learning more about vocabulary and grammar.
Well, this year I’m in level four with a teacher called Rosa Zagal, she correct our grammar, vocabulary, expressions talk, etc. I think that this year was the most productive compared with the last year or the past semester. Apparently, I learned this year and this semester a lot of things about English, now, I can talk with fluency and I have less mistakes in grammar. I don’t know if this knowledge I learned in the University or in my home, but until now the English have become more and more useful in my life.
Well, now I can see tv series without subtitles and I can understand at less the main idea, I can read the nutritional information when this one was in English, I can talk better with my American cousin and I can read the papers of archaeology or anthropology with more facility. So the English at the university was so useful to me, in these three classes I learn a lot about this language and I knew a lot of students of this faculty too.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
My experience in High school

hello friends,
today i'm going to write about my experience in my high school, called Pedro de Valdivia. I haven't good feelings when I remember my school, because I enter to this school when I was 15. All my old friends was in my old school, called "Francisco de Miranda", this is a extreme different school, because I went with casual clothes and the teachers was very close with their students, in fact, I can treat their called for their names. But, in my new school, I was to put a uniform (an horrible uniform, green color with a small tartan skirt) and the teachers was very formal, I was to treat their like a "miss" or "professor".
My favorite subject was history, my teacher was called Carlos Torres, and he prepared us to have a great mark in the PSU. But, I think that this class are not very interesting, because all the test was an alternative test, no one have a little of owns reflections or our thoughts about history. I know, my thoughts about my high school are not very positives, in spite of this things, I also live good things, like my relation with my teacher of biology or some friendships that I kept until now, and I remember my class with so much love, their are a good friends and their are a beautiful persons.
In my high school, the only technologic thing was the computer’s classroom. But, if you wanted use it, you have to ask for the librarian.
My education in the high school was very important to me, because I think that in my school, I learn to study, and to be a responsible person, and to exceed the bad things and make me a stronger person.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
My favorite movie

The story take place in USA, in a dangerous city. My favorite part is the final, because is unexpected and showed the sick mind of John Doe. The last murder was against the Mill’s wife, and he went mad because of anger and killed the serial killer with his gun. With these, all the murderers was fulfilled, and in spite of his dead, John Doe won.
I liked this movie because take your attention all the time, it’s one of the first movies that involved a serial killer, and the history was very exceptional. The picture of the murderers was very shocking, and the performance of Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman are brilliant.
In the movie, if I could change any part, would be the final, because in spite of this is one of the best parts of the movie, it was so tragic.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
If you visit my city, you can go to the “Parque O’Higgins”, there are a lot of grass and you can fly a kite or make a picnic or enjoy with your pets and your friends with a lot of drinks and food. Also, you can go to San Cristobal Hill, to the statue of the virgin on top of San Cristobal Hill. And when you go down the hill, you can go to Bellavista, a neighborhood of Santiago that has many pubs and restaurants. This is so fun, because after a lond and hard exercise you can go to Bellavista’s bar to drunk a beer.
Another place to go is the government house called “La Moneda”. This is a historic center, and you can know more about the history of Chile if you go there.
And finally, you can go to the “Plaza Ñuñoa”, this is a square located in the neighborhood of Ñuñoa, and there are a lot of pubs, ice-cream parlour, restaurants and places to have fun with yours friends. Also, there are a fountain and there are the Ñuñoa’s municipality.
Well, these are my favorite places of Santiago and if you came here you can visit these places and a lot of more like the Mahuida’s Park or the biggest fun park of Santiago called Fantasilandia.
Good Luck!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A beautiful country

The things that I know about this country, is that it have a lot of beaches like “playa del Carmen”, the capital is Ciudad de México and there are world-famous monuments: the pyramids like Chichén-Itza.
When I go to México, I want to stay with my cousin that is Mexican, and travel around the country and to know different cities like “Ciudad de México”, Tijuana, Chiapas, etc.
I liked to study anthropology in this country when I finish my career in Chile, because it’s a good chance to know a different culture and many people said me that the Anthropology School its one of the best of the world.
Well… that it’s all! See you later!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
My experiece during the first term of 2010
welcome again to my blog, this time, i'm going to write about my first term.
For the earthquake, we enter to the University with a month of delay, then everything began so fast. We had to read millions of papers, books and articles, and at the end of semester, we had to give a lot of test and I slept not much because I was studying or making a job. I went to the gym one month, and I felt very well because I felt more flighty, in the gym I went to funky classes and dance classes. Also I to get used to not drink coca-cola (I was addict to this drunk), and I to gain to take a healthy life.
In generally, my semester was bored, because nothing exciting happened, and I had to studying a lot, I learn a lot of things of my classes like materialism (anthropologist that was materialism term and Marx), prehistory or statistics.
And as well I went to different kinds of parties (in the university and with my school friends), and that was so cool.
In the past semester, I sold Chilean candies, called “alfajores”, and I earn a lot of money, it was like my little business.
Well, that its all… see you later!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
My Blog experience

Last year, we didn't use the Blog so the classes were very boring and not very dynamic. But now, the classes are very dynamics and the Blog allow us to practice our english and every class we improve in our way of writing our experience, our thoughts about life.
I think that the Blog is a great experience, but I felt that I spent a lot of time so maybe some of the post could be written in our homes. Not all but some of them.
I liked that I could express myself freely in my Blog, I enjoyed sharing experience with my classmates, I met people from all our disciplines in the faculty. I think that the Blog is a great method for learning english.
And that is all I can say about the experience with this blog, I will never write here again, so I say goodbye :)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Idols from all times

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Nice moments :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My cool hobby

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The Lion King

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The magic of my mp4

Saturday, May 22, 2010
my little rufo

hello friends!
this time, i´m going to write about my beautiful and nice dog, Rufo.
Rufo is the only dog that i have in all my life, he is a pedigree dog, more specifically it is a Golden Retriever.
When i was 8, the only thing that I want in all the world was to have a dog. But my house in this time was so small, so my mom always was refusing to leave me to have a dog.
But in the 2001, a bit before that were falling the Twin Towers, i moving from my old house to a bigger house with a big courtyard. So, one day my mom call me and all the family went to look for a beautiful dog. We found two male dogs, one fat and playful and the other was shy and thin, and I chose the shy dog, because he was so nice, and my brother call him Rufo.
After all my story, I realized that my dog, Rufo, is so important to me. He is a good friend, that always stand by my side, the only thing that it knows is to give love, and now he is so playful and independent, he walks alone and returns to the house without problems.
I love Rufo! with all my heart! If something was happening to him, I not what it would do
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The great Franz Boas

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My crazy holidays

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Earthquake in my sweet home

The days after the earthquake, I helped in the student volunteer, but I realized that the help was very small compared with all that the people needed.
Well, I learn that Chile is not prepare for a disaster as this one, and if in the future there is another earthquake you have to be calm... and you have to be awake.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Welcome to the jungle

In this space I will write all the things that appear in my mind... so you must preparate to enter in a wonderfull world of words.
My name is Alejandra Le-Bert, I am 19 years old and I study Anthropology in the University of Chile.
I think that this blog will be the best blog of the world... well... not the best, but I'm going to do the best effort.
so.. lets go to the party!
see you guys!