Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The magic of my mp4

My favorite technology item is my beautiful and wonderful Mp4. When I was a kid, I never expected that this kind of technology would be in my life, when I was 11, I have a personal stereo and the cassettes still existed. I was so happy with my personal, but then the personals changed to walkman, a new technology that worked with a CD room, I loved my walkman too, but it was inconvinient because it had to take all my CDs in my bag, and they were weighing very heavy.

But then, after a lot of years, the technology came to its perfection, creating my Mp4. It is phillips brand, and it have 8 GB of memory and in this space it fots all my music and some video music. With my Mp4, i can to record my classes of my career.

When I was in Bolivia, my mp3 died in the trip in bus that I did from Oruro to Potosí. I was so sad, because all the rest of travel I was without my music. But when I return to Santiago, I bought my mp4 in a offer of the supermarket. I love my mp4, it allows me to travel happier, with it, the hour pass flying to me. My Mp4 accompanies me in my long treks for the city and in the moments of leisure.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

my little rufo

hello friends!
this time, i´m going to write about my beautiful and nice dog, Rufo.
Rufo is the only dog that i have in all my life, he is a pedigree dog, more specifically it is a Golden Retriever.
When i was 8, the only thing that I want in all the world was to have a dog. But my house in this time was so small, so my mom always was refusing to leave me to have a dog.
But in the 2001, a bit before that were falling the Twin Towers, i moving from my old house to a bigger house with a big courtyard. So, one day my mom call me and all the family went to look for a beautiful dog. We found two male dogs, one fat and playful and the other was shy and thin, and I chose the shy dog, because he was so nice, and my brother call him Rufo.
After all my story, I realized that my dog, Rufo, is so important to me. He is a good friend, that always stand by my side, the only thing that it knows is to give love, and now he is so playful and independent, he walks alone and returns to the house without problems.

I love Rufo! with all my heart! If something was happening to him, I not what it would do

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The great Franz Boas

Franz Boas was a famous anthropologist. He was born on July 9th, 1942 in Minden, Westfalia . And he died on December 21, 1942. He was called "the father of American anthropology". He studied in many of the Universities of Germany, but his PhD did it in University of Kiel. He was a representative of the relativism school and, in turn, predecessor of the historical particularity.

In his first time of student, he studied physics. But in a travel to Canada, he got lost of the route, and he was rescued by the indians Inuit, and he decided to turn into an anthropologist.

He was the creator of the historical particularity and in addition he was the creator of the Anthropology as we know it today, it separated it in physical Anthropology, social Anthropology, Archaeology and linguistics.

I like Boas because he understood the culture as something that could change and like a thing that was not certain. And he was giving him value, for the same thing, to all the cultures, he didn`t discriminate the cultures for it degree of civilization, because he was anti-evolucionist.

Well, i think that Boas was a great anthropologist for all the things that i said and for many more.